El Grillu

Jose Manuel Blanco was born in the Spanish seaport of Gijon, Spain. "El Grillu" moved to the United States in 1983.Coming from a family of rich musical traditions, "El Grillu" continued this rich legacy in the United States. First forming the Sol y Luna Band, releasing their first recording, "Flamenco, Salsa, Rumba "(Duende Records) in 1992. Grillu co-wrote co-arranged, performed and produced the first CD recorded in the U.S by flamenco virtuoso Jose del Valle "Chuscales", Soul Encounters" (Narada Records) in 1996.

El Grillu is an accomplished actor, producer, arranger, composer, writer, cantaor (vocalist), percussionist and guitar player. Featured by recording artists like Stevan Pasero A New World Christmas (Sugo Records), and Zebra (Sugo Records 1995), Tito Puente King T , Ottmar Liebert The Hours Between Night and Day (Sony Records), Latin- MTV-nominated Eddy Xol Somos , guitar compilation "Gypsy Soul " (Narada 1999), "Encuentros del

Alma" (Narada 1999), Rebeca Mauleon Round Trip (Bembe records 1998), "Viva Flamenco" (Narada 2001).

"El Grillu" is currently working in several joint projects and his next solo album. Two of Grillu's original songs are featured in the major motion picture The New Age , directed by Michael Tolkin and produced by Oliver Stone in 1994. "Una Noche," written by "El Grillu" in collaboration with Yaya Maldonado and Edgardo Cambon, and "Liliana" written by "El Grillu" are both featured on the original movie sound track.

Actor Singer and songwriter, El Grillu showcased all of his eclectic talents in "La Rosa Del Rancho" a Teatro Campesino production, in San Juan Bautista with Luis Valdez Director of "La Bamba" and "Zoot suit". In the 12th Night or "What you Will " by William Shakespeare, El Grillu was able again to bring light to all of his versatility as he was an actor, singer, and songwriter for the production. Which was presented by the San Jose Repertoire theatre and directed by Michael Butler from 1998 to 1999.

Most recently El Grillu co-produced as well as appeared on the newest release from Jason McGuire (J&M records 2002) titled Distancias.


Interview with Jose Manuel Blanco "El Grillu"and Jason Engelund, Director of SF Flamenco

Jason Engelund:

What are some of the differences between playing at a party, on a big stage and in a recording studio?

El Grillu: I guess they are differences but a canarian is yellow, and doesn't matter where you put it, it will sing. A flamenco person doesn't matter where you put him or her it will be flamenco, you will remember me just for that, when you see or hear one.

Jason Engelund: What are your thoughts on flamenco communities outside of Andalucia? Do they have a fountain to drink from?

El Grillu: A filtered one i will say, the Flamenco community of the world is now more available than it used to be to the rest of us thanks to wonderful people like you and the technological achievements in comunications, but, nothing like living the experiences in their original environments where they exist, we are definitely not drinking properly and we are missing the essence of it, nothing like the real thing. going to Spain still is the best thing to do .... go to http://www.decytur.com/index_sp.html this is Angel Carmona travel agency he will hook you up big time.

We the flamenco artists and the aficionados , should be real thankfull to the people and organizations that work very hard to bring artists from Spain and help to develop and enjoy a healthy and educative awareness of the beauty of modern and traditional flamenco.

Ole por Yaelisa, Jason McGuire, La Tania, Rosa Montoya, Ricardo, Mónica, Clarita, Maria Benitez, etc. all this people and companies that I mentioned and to all the ones that I didn't, this guys and girls are making it happen for all of us. Sincerely como Español, flamenco artist and aficionado, Thank you very much to all of you.

Jason Engelund: As ours is becoming a global community, we have the opportunity to learn from and embrace the deep roots of all the worlds traditions, not just our local ones. What do you think the flamenco arts can share with the world?

El Grillu: There are great Flamenco artist all over the world but not enough I think to reach small communities or particular cities with an adequate population of experts in the field or interested media on the subject. They are missing out a beautiful art form in all senses, the world needs more Flamenco and we the Flamencos are here to share it with all of them.

Flamenco brings to us thoughts of many people that for many years had lots of time to think. The art of singing Flamenco "el Cante" came first at the beginning of it and carries the soul and spirit of the human kind. With all its virtues and also defects its happiness and sadness expressed by the cantaor who shares the wisdom and the philosophies of the old and wise throughout it.

He or she who doesn't understand the cante will be missing a great deal of it, some times the message is what carries the subtle fillings and triggers the thought, not only the music but the words, the meaning, the magic of human communication. A cantaor will sing for a friend in a kitchen or in a bar for a lot of reasons, when Cariño "form of a very cool affection felling for someone" is involved things get real and the cante takes over the air and owns it, when other fillings are present also things get real, I could talk all day about it.

The guitar "el Toque" and the dancing "el Baile " are immense fountains of everything else you can think of, artistry, heart, beauty, passion, creativity, discipline, complexity, dedication and commitment, the ultimate complement to it, how can one pass on all this.

Jason Engelund: And what do you think it takes for a new comer to flamenco to get it?

El Grillu: what it takes to get it for a new comer ..... like every other art form I think passion for it.

Jason Engelund: Can you tell us something of Duende?

El Grillu: ? Duende...... ojú.. where is he, have you seeing it, tricky little guy that is, we all have it in us somehow, his manifestations .... That's another conversation, they are rare and precious thought.

Jason Engelund: Can you tell us more about duende?

El Grillu: Yes, (no tiene amigos) has no friends is like math or money, he comes and goes when he pleases not when you want to, but anyway if you see him tell him I said hi.

Jason Engelund: When can we buy your solo album?

El Grillu: My solo album was schedule for the end of march but, recently got involved in a car accident and as result of it I injured my arm and hand having to stop the project. Hopefully I will recover soon and get it done. ... I promise.

Jason Engelund: Can you recommend some flamenco albums for people building their collections?

El Grillu: My recommendation on Flamenco recordings is to be open to all kinds of Flamenco recordings the old ones and the new ones. My favorites are many as a guitar player, percussionist and singer please understand me, I like them all and I always learn something from each one of them, to name a few and leaving out a bunch without mention not because they are not good but because I don't have time for all of them: Paco de Lucia, Camaron, Vicente Amigo, Habichuela, Tomatito, El Cigala, Diego del Gastor, Familia Montoya, Chuscales, Rafael Aragon, La Bernarda y La Fernanda de Utrera, mi querido Jason el Rubio, ketama, El Barrio, La Barberia del sur, Remedios Amaya, Enrique Morente, Estrella Morente, Lole y Manuel, Triana, Sorderita, Potito, Antonio Mairena, la perla de Cadiz, Duquende, Chocolate, Gerardo Nunez, Jose Merce .... and so forth, type flamenco in your browser and go for it. Get it all.

Jason Engelund: Thanks man.

El Grillu: Peace and mucho Flamenco, thank you all for your support