ARt photo Book

Abstracting Film Photography as a Reconstruction.
Escaping the Psyopticon

A visual narrative abstract landscapes.
A contemporary retelling of the myth of Icarus.



Abstracting Film Photography as a Reconstruction.
Escaping the Psyopticon.

The Labyrinth in Icarus Survives is not only the physical building, it is a Psyopticon. It is the psychological framework of dead ends, and labyrinthine endless paths to nowhere, causing a blindness to personal potential and possibility. It is more than just the environment, it is what Icarus has been led to believe from the dogma of the oppressive paternal impact of Dadelus, his narcissistic father. Here, Icarus escapes, survives and you can see the abstract photographs of the Sun as his exhilarating flight.

The Artworks

This book is both a visual narrative and an extensive catalog of my photographic artworks. The narrative launches with the myth, and many artworks after the labyrinth can be viewed simply as Icarus’ exciting joy and thrill of flying free. The abstract artworks, primarily film photography span the years 2007- 2025 and include artworks that have been widely exhibited and collected by people, public institutions and held in the permanent collection of the Museum of Photographic Arts at the San Diego Museum of Art.

The photography includes 4x5 and medium format film, cyanotype and digital. This book is composed primarily of art from my Meta-Landscapes series and along with “House of Perception” and “Sun Mountain Wild Vision” is part 3 in the “Wild Vision” trilogy.